KARLY- I was Born and raised in Sydney Australia. I moved to California in 2003, where I met my now husband, Joey. We were married in 2006, and have 3 beautiful girls. I love to write and will share my thoughts, stories, and convictions on this blog. I hope that you are encouraged by it, and that it can be a blessing to you. I enjoy being at home with my girls, homeschooling them, playing with them, and just enjoying raising them. I am so blessed. I have been through a lot physically since having Ava and have been so blessed to be in good health now. We are now working on adopting a little Boy with Down Syndrome from Eastern Europe.
JOEY- My husband was born and raised in Sacramento, CA. We met in 2003 at a church meeting. I'm sure you will get to hear all about it in a blog post one day. My husband is the associate pastor at our church, and is involved in ministries like street preaching, and preaching to the Elderly at a home. I admire the way he studies constanly and is always striving to learn more. He is an encouragement to me, and a rock for our family. He loves sports too, but has a good balance of ministry, sports and family. We are so blessed to have him. He can't wait for his little boy to come home.
KYAH- She is our oldest daughter, she loves to help out and organize. She is just like her mommy. You will find her playing with her little sisters, making a craft or helping mommy, most days. She loves to sing praises to the Lord, and we love hearing her made up songs. She is such a blessing in our family, and an awesome helper. We are so grateful for our first daughter. She will grow up with a lot of responsibility as the eldest, but she is ready for the task, and we look forward to watching her blossom in the role God has given her in our family. She is very excited to bring her little brother home, and saves every piece of change she finds as "money for my baby brother" For Kyah's Birth Story go
SAVANNAH JO (JoJo)- JoJo is our crazy one! She is a bundle of energy and can run with the best of them. She will take on any challenge, and she also loves to help when she can. She likes being able to claim the title of "Big AND Little" sister. Since she is both, and she takes her role seriously. She has a different way of doing things than Kyah but when they work together, they make a great team. They look after their little sister with great joy, finding toys for her, helping her "practice" as they call it, when she does things they've seen in therapy. Jojo keeps us on our toes, but she also give the sweetest kisses, and hugs. Since we've aways told her she gives the best kisses, she now says to us when we kiss her, "I give the BEST kisses!" with pride. We will take her kiss and hugs any day. She is the sweetest bundle of energy I know. We love the fun and goofiness Jojo brings to our family. She can't wait to share her room with her baby brother. For Jojo's Birth Story go
here and
AVA- Oh sweet Ava...she is the reason I started this blog! Our precious Ava was born with that magical extra chromosome...you know the one that makes her give so much love, the one that makes her eyes sparkle...the one that makes her just rub off pure joy...the one that gives her Down Syndrome. She is an absolute miracle. We could have lost her multiple times, during labor and birth. But God saw fit to preserve her. We are so thankful to have her in our family. She brings such radiant Joy, such calm, and also sometimes very loud noises. haha Ava loves to smile at everyone which makes everyone fall in love with her. But she has a special spot for Daddy...it's beautiful to watch the way she looks at her daddy. We're sure she knows all that he did for her when she was born and I was injured and unable to be there...they have a special bond, and it absolutely blesses my heart to see it!
Ava has shown us so much. She has opened up our world to so many possibilities.
I will be telling her story here, as I can. And hopefully sharing all kinds of other things here. Please Join us as we share our lives with you. For Ava's birth story and more go
We are just a normal family with an extraordinary little girl...we are striving to serve the Lord in all we do, and pray that through this blog we can share with many just what God can do when you surrender your life to Him.
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